Campus Tutoring Resources
Need additional help? Check out these other great resources available around campus.
Tutoring services are offered for Industrial Systems Engineering (ISyE) major-specific classes for FREE. Visit their website for classes offered, tutoring schedule, and manager contacts.
.The College of Computing (CoC) has tutors on hand to help fellow students with the following courses: CS 1301, CS 1331, CS 1332, CS 2050, CS 2110, CS 2200, CS 3510, Math 3012
The Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering (ME) is able to offer tutoring in select ME and COE classes. Tutoring runs through the last official day of class excluding final exams, official school breaks and reading days.
During the Fall and Spring semesters, the Office of Minority Educational Development (OMED) offers in-person and drop-in tutoring services on Monday – Thursday from 4 – 8 pm.
GT Athletics
GT Athletics offers tutoring for all student athletes. Use the tutor request form for any course you wish to receive peer tutoring. Sessions are scheduled after the first week of classes and continue through the final exams.